Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Low testosterone has become a phrase that all men fear. The gradual loss of testosterone, sometimes called low T, occurs naturally with age. Unfortunately, it also brings along many symptoms and side effects like low sex drive, erectile dysfunction and weight gain.
Bioidentical testosterone has shown to be effective in helped many men regain their youthful vigor.
Request more information today: Call and contact us online.
Testosterone Imbalance Symptoms
Testosterone imbalance is often referred to as low T or andropause. Low testosterone may lead to very serious symptoms and side effects. Low testosterone most commonly affects men over the age of 40, but can occur in younger men and even women in certain circumstances.
The most common symptoms of a testosterone imbalance include:
Low libido
Hair loss
Erectile dysfunction
Muscle loss
Hot flashes
Difficulty concentrating
No two men experience testosterone imbalance the same way, so it's possible to be going through andropause while only noticing some of these symptoms.
When faced with the prospect of growing older and less vigorous, many men feel hopeless. Bioidentical testosterone ensures that it is possible to avoid, reduce and even completely eliminate these symptoms.
What is Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Bioidentical testosterone is administered through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, also known as BHRT. Many men are wary of trying hormonal treatments because they don't want to put synthetic testosterone in to their bodies. Bioidentical testosterone avoids that problem because it is biologically, chemically, and molecularly identical to the testosterone produced naturally by the body.
Bioidentical testosterone can be delivered in many different ways. Bioidentical testosterone delivery methods include:
Testosterone Pills
Testosterone Patches
Testosterone Pellets
Testosterone Gels
Testosterone Creams
It's important to understand not every provider will offer all of these options. Instead, the chosen delivery method depends on the needs of the patient and the individual preferences of their provider.
Bioidentical testosterone is typically used only after a testosterone level test has found testosterone levels to be low. Testosterone can be tested in the blood, urine or saliva.
There are many benefits of bioidentical testosterone. When used correctly, bioidentical testosterone can lead to:
Boosted libido
Stronger erections
More lean muscle
Reduced body fat
Clearer thinking
More energy
Less fatigue
Potential side effects of testosterone replacement therapy may include:
Increased urination
Increased risk of developing prostate abnormalities
Gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissue in the absence of functional breast tissue)
Increased risk of blood clots
Nipple sensitivity
Decreased testicular size
Increased aggression and mood swings
Request Bioidentical Testosterone Information Now
Ultimately, the only way to know if bioidentical testosterone is right for you is to schedule a hormone level test. Request more information about bioidentical testosterone treatment today call or contact us online.